Light a Candle

Light A Candle

At Our Savior Parish at the University of Southern California, votive candles burn brightly night and day as expressions of prayer for any special intentions, or in dedication to a friend or loved one. The beautiful flame of each candle is a symbol of prayer, love, and hope.

To participate, please complete the form linked below. If you have any questions or would like to mail in your intentions contact Nora at

Finals Candle Blessing

Join us on Sunday, April 28th to pray for our students and their final exams at the 10AM Mass. We will light candles for your special intentions as we pray for students that they may be free of any anxiety or stress during their final exams and presentations. The deadline to submit an intention will be Friday, April 26th.

To participate, please complete the form linked below. If you have any questions or would like to mail in your intentions contact Nora at

If you have any questions, please email Nora Morales: